
Controlling visibility


Set your account to private

1.Go to your Profile, tap Settings and then select Account.
2. Tap Privacy
3. Select the Private Account option.

 Your follower card will now be unavailable to all other users in Clikk who do not follow you.

How can I change which profiles other users can access?

1.Go to your Profile, tap Settings and then select My Sharings. 
2. Find the user you want to manage and select (…) next to the user’s name.
3. You now have two options customize what you share or customize what you receive.
4. Select customize what you share and make the sharing changes you want to make.

What happens to my followers if I change from a public to a private profile?

Your followers will still have access to your Follower Card. New followers must send you a request to follow you.

How can I change which profiles are visible to my followers?

1. Go to your Profile, tap Edit card in the list of cards at the top of the profile page.
2. Then select “Followers”
3. Select which profiles your following should see. Then tap the save icon in the top right corner.

If I change a card, does this automatically change to everyone I've shared the card with?

If you change a card, this will be updated to everyone you have previously shared the card with. You can either replace all profiles, replace the old card with a new card with other profiles, or make minor changes such as deleting or adding another social media to the card. The information will then be updated to everyone you’ve previously shared the card.

The users you’ve shared your cards with will already get a notification that you’ve updated what you’re sharing

What happens if I change a profile I've previously entered, such as phone number?

The profile will then change for anyone who has access to the profile from earlier. This also applies to anyone you’ve shared a card with that contains the profile you’re making changes to.
